
Reporting Crime

Need to report a crime? Members of the college community are urged to report criminal activities or other emergencies on campus. Public Safety wants to help you protect yourself and your property.


Reporting Criminal Activity/Emergencies

  1. When a life-threatening situation arises, dial 9-911 for outside police or emergency medical assistance from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone.
  2. Notify Public Safety at 651-631-5310 as soon as possible so that immediate action can be taken to remedy the situation. All crimes will always be referred to civil authorities.

Members of the college community are urged to report criminal activities or other emergencies on campus. Public Safety wants to help you protect yourself and your property. Public Safety can be reached at 651-631-5310 or [email protected].

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

University of Northwestern’s students and employees have a right to an academic and employment environment which is free of all forms of sexual misconduct. Northwestern will not tolerate sexual misconduct, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault and/or violence, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking in any form. When such incidents occur, the personhood of the individual is dishonored, the University community is negatively impacted, and potentially state and Federal laws are violated. When such incidents occur and are reported, appropriate action will be taken.

University of Northwestern has adopted policies to maintain this standard (see Sexual Misconduct Policy). The University distributes this policy to every student, faculty and staff member annually. Students may obtain copies of this policy from the Office of Student Experience during normal business hours. Employees may obtain copies of this policy by contacting the Office of Human Resources.

Any student or employee who believes that he or she has experienced sexual misconduct, or who has knowledge of sexual misconduct directed against another person, is strongly encouraged to make a report (see Sexual Misconduct Policy: Reporting Options, page 10 and Complaint Process, page 13).

If UNW becomes aware of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence, we will take:

  • steps to protect the complainant;
  • immediate and appropriate action to investigate what occurred;
  • prompt and effective steps to end the sexual misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.


  • Location of complaint does not matter (on-campus and off- campus)
  • Complaint can be filed by anyone

Persons reporting sexual misconduct will be offered care, support, and discretion. Support, assistance, and counseling are available (see People Who Can Help). Counseling Services and Health Services provide confidential support and can be contacted during normal business hours. Survivors are encouraged to seek help by contacting any of the people listed in People Who Can Help.

UNW Title IX Compliance

UNW Sexual Misconduct Policy

UNW Sexual Misconduct Policy FAQs

People who can help

Inquiries concerning sexual misconduct should be made to:

Interim Title IX Coordinator
Bret Hyder
VP of Student Experience
Billy Graham Commons: G108
651-628-2077 | [email protected]

Safety Awareness and Crime Prevention

It is the philosophy of the Public Safety department that we would much rather prevent crimes from occurring than react to them after the fact. Safety awareness and crime prevention is our primary vehicle for accomplishing this goal. This is based on the dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities whenever possible and encouraging community members and guests to be responsible for their own safety and security and the safety and security of others.