Blog Career & Leadership Development

Our Unwavering Pursuit of Raising Leaders

By Tami Rangel on Friday, May 10, 2024


We are unwavering in our pursuit and committed to our mission to provide Christ-centered higher education, equipping students to grow intellectually and spiritually to serve effectively in their professions and to provide God-honoring leadership in the home, church, community, and world.

From the moment students arrive on campus to begin their educational journey, the Northwestern community comes around each individual student to empower and equip them to be all that the Lord has created them to be personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Personal development

Personal development is offered in a multitude of ways including through one-on-one relationships with faculty, staff, and coaches, community with peers inside and outside of the classroom, and Residential Life.

My most impactful Northwestern experience has been simply finding a group of Christian friends. I attended a small, rural public school where I didn’t know many other Christians. At Northwestern, I’ve been able to build friendships and relationships that have helped me grow in my faith. 

—Molly R.

Attending Northwestern has been incredibly helpful academically: I’ve appreciated the small classes, caring professors, and persistent Christian community. Notably, too, my experience in the English department has moved me a long way artistically. I feel as though I have a stronger grasp of how Christian truth relates to beauty, and I’m excited about pursuing art throughout my life.

—Aletheia H.

My most impactful aspect of Northwestern has been my coaches for both football and baseball. I have had really deep and crucial conversations with almost all of the coaches. The things they have taught and the way they help me process the lessons of competition will be valuable for the rest of my life.

—Chase C.

My time at Northwestern has been a great experience. I have learned so much about making long lasting relationships, how to lead others, and what to expect when starting my career.     

—Ashlynn L.

My most impactful experiences at Northwestern have been the conversations with several of my professors. They have been so supportive, both regarding the classes they teach and in my life in general. I truly appreciate being able to build relationships with them.

—Kaylee S.

My most meaningful experience at University of Northwestern has been participating in my hall’s weekly Bible study. Week by week, I’ve grown in my faith as a result and have made life-long friends. This Bible study has taught me what Christian fellowship means and how powerful it is when people are vulnerable with one another and who carry one another’s burdens.         

—Thadyn C.
Professional Development

Professional Development is one of the main reasons students pursue higher education. Our small class sizes allow for students to make personal connections with faculty who are more than willing to pour into them, offering guidance and, ofttimes, mentorship.

Our Career and Leadership Development Office provides excellent resources for professional development including: 

  • Providing ways to get connected with Career Communities, helping students get connected with alumni and other professionals in the same or similar fields of interest.
  • Offering walk-in hours where students can receive assistance with resume and cover letter review, LinkedIn and Handshake, as well as networking help
  • Connecting students with general career and leadership resources

The Soar Conference is another way we provide our students with professional development. For our most recent conference, held on April 9, 2024, the theme was Leading Yourself.  Students and young alums who attended this event heard from three different alums in our Eagle Talks (similar to Ted Talks); additionally, they were provided with industry-specific breakout sessions, hosted by alums who are pursuing careers in those fields, followed by a professional fair.

We believe in the power of internships and have a place for students to explore opportunities both locally and internationally. Our schools and departments come alongside students to ensure that they are able to secure an internship and receive professional skills while finishing their education.

Having professors that want you to succeed and to enjoy what you are learning has been very impactful for me. When I took Biology 1, my professor demonstrated excitement about the subject matter; that helped to show my classmates and me how interesting and intricate biology is.

—Joseph S.

In my experience as a student in the School of Nursing at UNW, I have learned about the beauty of bringing my faith into the healthcare field; even now, I can pray for my patients and minister to them as I meet with them in my clinical experience.

—Maria H.

My most impactful Northwestern experience was when I studied abroad last semester in Guatemala and worked with a ministry organization called Students International. This experience has transformed me spiritually and has changed the direction of my life. Now, I am certain that I will be a missionary wherever God leads me, seeking to spread the good news of God’s love to others. 

—Ashley G.
Spiritual Development

Spiritual development is a component of our education model that is marked by our Bible minor which each student will receive in addition to their chosen major(s) and other minor(s). In addition to Bible classes, spiritual development is honed in all of the classes offered at Northwestern. Instructors connect the course content to the truth of God’s word and they walk beside their students, encouraging them to grow in their relationships with Christ.

At Northwestern, I have learned to fully trust God with my future. I was able to surrender to him and put all my faith in him. I did not expect to have an experience like this, but it truly changed my life.

—Maren R.

Northwestern has been pivotal to my growth as a Christian, leader, and student. The connections and relationships I have built throughout my time here have continued to push me closer and closer to Christ as I follow His calling on my life. The ability to “do life” with peers, professors, and staff at Northwestern has impacted me in ways I cannot describe. 

—Nicholas V.

I grew up going to public school, and by the time I graduated high school, I was yearning for a Christian community. I was excited when I got the letter telling me I had been accepted at Northwestern. Chapel, the professors, and the classes have all helped me grow and strengthen my personal relationship with the Lord.

—Tori L.

The most impactful experience I have had at Northwestern was in one of my Bible classes. As a result of this class, I know the triune God in a whole new way and encounter Him daily in class as well as outside of class. I have a greater desire to know the Lord more and how He works today.

—Kelsey F.

On May 17, graduating students can participate in Flight Night, an event for them to be welcomed into the Alumni Community and celebrated by other alums. May 18, 2024 will mark over 120 years of students graduating from Northwestern and soaring into the world to amplify the gospel.

We are so proud of our students who have graduated from Northwestern and are bright lights in their communities and world, showcasing God’s love in the career fields He has designed and prepared them for. Hear from alums who have received the Distinguished Alum Award because of their God-honoring impact.

Young Alums (ages 21-29) were recently asked how they have experienced “Preparedness” post-graduation from UNW.

My spiritual foundation was strengthened tremendously during my time at Northwestern, and I know that it has absolutely equipped me to navigate the life challenges that have come since graduating. Even after graduating, Northwestern is so intentional about continuing to walk alongside alums through its lifetime Career & Leadership Development services, professional opportunities and partnerships with graduates, continuing education options, and a supportive and encouraging alumni community. I would love to encourage future alums that once you graduate, you are graduating into the UNW Young Alumni (or UNW-YA) community. The Alumni Office at Northwestern has responded to the need to cultivate the Young Alumni community by creating a committee to serve this population of Eagles! I am so honored to serve as the Young Alumni Committee Champion, and I love helping to provide opportunities for young alums to connect and build community through events!

—Hannah Z.

My time at Northwestern greatly prepared me for the reality of post-graduation life. From the personal support of individual professors, to the practical knowledge from coursework and internships, I knew I was not going into my career empty handed nor alone. Upon graduation, I had three potential career options to explore. I was able to consult with my professors to determine where God was leading me—something I wouldn’t have been able to do if my professors hadn’t taken the time to get to know me personally. The relationships I cultivated with others and God during my time at Northwestern helps me to step out confidently into the world. I have been able to volunteer at my church and begin a career while studying for my CPA exams. Without my time at Northwestern, I know I would not have been nearly as well-equipped or supported to do so. Northwestern will always hold a special place in my heart; as hard as it was to leave after graduation, I am beyond grateful for the personal, spiritual and professional growth I experienced while pursuing my undergraduate degree.

—Isabel W.

I am so grateful for my time at Northwestern and the way it prepared me to faithfully enter the workforce. I was hired immediately after graduation at a Fortune 100 company and performed at the top of my training class. Between my professional skills seminar that I took as part of my curriculum in the School of Business and help of Career and Leadership Development, I felt very prepared to enter the workforce. My professional skills seminar taught me how to write a resume and cover letter, interview, and network. Career and Leadership Development helped me connect with professionals in the field of work I was interested in. I really got to put the things I learned into practice. On a spiritual level, Northwestern was monumental spiritually in cultivating me into the business professional I am today. One of the most impactful conversations I had with my advisor was when I was contemplating changing my major because I loved learning about business but had a heart for ministry and he told me, “You will make an impact in any industry you work in, but don’t forget that the business world needs Christian leaders too.” The Christ-centered community at Northwestern really transformed me into who God has always called me to be.

—Angel B.

My professors, community, and on-campus bosses prepared me for stepping out into life after graduation. My faith grew during my time here, and I felt equipped to be a spiritual leader in many different spheres, including the workforce. My School of Business professors focused on career readiness by requiring a Professional Skills Seminar. This seminar equipped me to write emails, prepare my resume, have professional interviews, and even how to eat properly in a professional setting.  On a personal level, I grew a lot during my three years at Northwestern. Navigating roommate relationships, friend group dynamics, getting connected in my church, learning from my professors, and learning from my bosses from on-campus jobs all played a part in forming the person I am today. I grew in making independent decisions, having clear communication, balancing priorities and managing my time, and how to work my hardest unto the Lord. Colossians 3:23!

—Ellie B.

Northwestern is raising God-honoring leaders. UNW students are encouraged in their walk with the Lord to know Christ personally, spend time with Him daily, and be inspired by His Word so that they can become vessels for His glory in the home, church, community, and world. We are unwavering in our pursuit, committed to our mission, and proud of our students who are committed to amplifying the gospel in every aspect of their lives while contributing immensely to their place of employment through their work ethic, proficiency, character, and professionalism—all for the glory of God.