The teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) minor is the perfect accompaniment to many other globally minded majors. With the TESOL minor, students can teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in grades K–12 and adult education settings around the world. Additionally, students can teach English as a second language courses for adults (non-K–12) in the United States. Many students use this minor to teach English abroad following graduation.
What will I learn?
You will develop effective written and verbal communication skills.
ESL 4326
ESL Curriculum and Assessment – TESOL
Study and practice of language curriculum development. Study and practice of formal and informal second language assessment techniques to determine appropriate placement and to evaluate the progress of ESL students in diverse settings.
ESL 3215
Language, School, and Society
Examination of the role of language in human interaction and how it reflects socioeconomic status, power, ethnicity, geographical origin, political and religious identity and gender. Implications for teaching and learning English as a second language.
ENG 3125
Structure of English Grammar
A course in analyzing the structures of English sentences in all their various forms. The course includes theories of grammar and applications of syntactical analysis to writing, reading and teaching.
ESL 4325
Teaching Grammar for ESL – TESOL
Study of English grammar with emphasis on how to effectively present English grammatical points to ESL students in diverse settings.
ESL 3315
Theory of Language Acquisition
Study of current research and theories in second language acquisition. Examination of second language learning process and variables that affect second language acquisition.

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