This minor was designed to help UNW students prepare for law school. The curriculum includes courses from different departments and allows students to choose from a variety of courses.
Program Sheet
Curriculum RequirementsWhat will I learn?
There is not one path to preparing for law school admission, so this minor allows students to choose courses which fit well with their academic majors and career interests.
BUS 3331
Business Law – Contract and Agency
A study of contracts and sales as the basic laws affecting business transactions. Also, law of principal and agency relationships.
COM 2107
Communication Theory
A comprehensive examination of the theories of human communication, beginning with a review of the metatheoretical traditions informing communication research and progressing through the wide variety of communication theories developed from the 20th century to today. Students write papers, participate in online discussions and produce videos to demonstrate knowledge of theories and to demonstrate the ability to apply the theories to everyday communication and human interactions.
PHI 2006
Fundamentals of Logic
In this course students learn the basic principles of propositional and first-order logic. Emphasis is on developing understanding and skill in constructing valid deductive arguments and recognizing fallacious reasoning. Informal and inductive logic will also be introduced with a survey of common informal fallacies.
ECO 2212
Principles of Macroeconomics
This is an introductory course in Macroeconomics. This course includes learning about national income accounts, the business cycle, the aggregate supply-demand model, employment theory, economic growth, fiscal and monetary policy, money and banking, inflation and international trade. Policy issues are also discussed.
POS 2005
U.S. National Government
The study of the structure and processes of American national government and its political processes and institutions. Particular attention is paid to constitutionalism, federalism, the presidency, the Congress, the Judiciary, bureaucracy, interest groups and policy formation.

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