The marketing minor prepares students for marketing a company’s products and services through courses on basic marketing principles, sales, advertising and promotion, plus broad-based business concepts.
What will I learn?
You will gain interpersonal communication skills and learn to work with others in a team environment.
MKT 3188
Advertising and Promotion
Analysis of the role of advertising and sales promotion in marketing. Subject areas treated include advertising strategy, agencies, media and consumer motivation.
BUS 4435
Business Ethics
An understanding of personal and corporate integrity from a biblical perspective and resolving ethical dilemmas is emphasized. A comprehensive case analysis is required.
BUS 3331
Business Law – Contract and Agency
A study of contracts and sales as the basic laws affecting business transactions. Also, law of principal and agency relationships.
MGT 2271
This introductory course surveys the essential theories of business management and their application to maximize workforce performance. Topics investigated include general management responsibilities such as organizational planning, utilizing metrics, and motivating work teams.
MKT 1085
Principles of Marketing
The structure, function and behavior of marketing systems are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the impact of social and economics environment and on the process of the decision-making aspect of marketing.
BUS 3005
Principles and Practices of Leadership
An introduction to the best practices, key competencies, strategies, and techniques of exceptional leadership. Students will explore various models and frameworks related to leading both themselves and others, in conjunction with exploration of personal identity and purpose presented through the Christ-centered model of servant leadership. Students will apply learnings in this course to define their unique Personal Leadership Blueprint, through reflection of their values, beliefs, passions, and calling. A $35 assessment fee required.

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