Blog and News
Check out helpful insights and inspiration from the UNW community.

BLOG College Preparation, Parents
Parenting Young Adults: How to Trust God Through Change
Parenting is a critical responsibility and privilege that requires active participation from the moment a child is born until God calls either the parent or the child to their forever home with Him. In the early days of parenting, the duties include making sure our children are…
Friday, June 7, 2024

BLOG College Preparation
9 Ways to Equip Your Student Before They Move Out
Your student is venturing out into the big wide world of college and as much as you would love to hop into their suitcase, they can’t take you with them.
Friday, November 10, 2023

BLOG College Preparation, Faculty
3 Reasons It Is Important To Have Professors Who Still Work In Their Field
The opportunity to learn from “practicing faculty” brings a lot of value to education. These are professors who continue to work in the field in which they teach. Here are three reasons why it is valuable to have…
Thursday, January 19, 2023

BLOG Parents
3 Myths About Degrees in the Humanities
Most people pursuing a college degree hope to have a career in their field of study. Yes, we want to love what we do, but we also have practical needs. “The humanities” according to Britannica is the study of all…
Thursday, November 17, 2022

BLOG Parents
Not My Way
From birth to present, parenting is a crash course in out-of-control. The truth is, I cannot parent my children the way I want to—not because I am incapable, but because they won’t allow me to. Each child is receptive…
Friday, June 17, 2022

BLOG Parents
Friday Comes Before Sunday
The joy of resurrection Sunday could not have happened without the pain and suffering of Good Friday. God the Father, our ultimate parent, answered our need for rescue through the resurrection rather than rescuing…
Monday, April 18, 2022

BLOG Parents
The Other Side of Anger
The world will always be a challenging place to live. We hope our young adult children will have the emotional skills to approach anger with self-reflection instead of self-defense. Helping them to process their anger…
Monday, March 21, 2022

BLOG Parents
Laying Bricks or Building the Kingdom?
The parable of the three bricklayers was retold as a reminder that knowing our purpose brings our life’s motivations to our work, which brings our work to life. The story echoes the real experience of Christopher…
Thursday, February 17, 2022

BLOG Parents
Living in Context
With another in person semester underway, this year finds us getting on with UNW campus life in the midst of COVID-19. Yes, the United States has more cases of the virus in 2021 than in 2020. Yes, Minnesota is still…
Saturday, January 1, 2022

BLOG Parents
Expecting Better
With every transition from December 31 to January 1, we hope for a fresh start. We anticipate something better ahead than what we are leaving behind. Considering the boatload of trouble that has quite literally…
Monday, January 4, 2021

BLOG Parents
My son recently shared his belief that parents are more equipped to think about the future than their kids because they’ve had to be responsible for someone else’s future.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

BLOG Parents
Respect and Responsibility
Our student survey results were crystal clear. UNW students can’t wait to be together again. Anticipating being on-campus, in-person, in the midst of the community they thrive in, feels like approaching an oasis in…
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

BLOG Parents
God’s Part, Our Part
In the wake of a pandemic, steep stock market plunges, and seismic shifts in the delivery of education, it would be easy to say that God’s role—His part—is to protect us from contracting disease, facing devastation,…
Monday, March 30, 2020

BLOG Parents
Which Lane Am I In?
“My way or the highway.” You know the parents I am referencing. Some of us called them Mom or Dad! There are still parents that believe a firm stance is a way to earn respect or that shaming children is a way to gain…
Thursday, February 27, 2020

BLOG Parents
Good Grief
The song written for the timeless TV special, “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, goes on to say, “Happiness and cheer, fun for all that children call their favorite time of year.” I beg to differ. Presuming it is a joyous,…
Monday, December 2, 2019

BLOG Parents
To Tell the Truth
I admit I am wary of actions that put me in physical danger. I am sitting in the urgent care lobby, waiting and writing while my husband is getting stitches on a couple of good-sized gashes. He’s a handy guy with a…
Monday, November 4, 2019

BLOG Parents
Try This At Home
I admit I am wary of actions that put me in physical danger. I am sitting in the urgent care lobby, waiting and writing while my husband is getting stitches on a couple of good-sized gashes. He’s a handy guy with a…
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

BLOG Parents
Is it just our human nature to focus on our lack instead of our gain? Even if we make change in our diet to improve our health, we think about what favorite food we are giving up to reach our weight loss goal. Why is…
Friday, August 30, 2019

BLOG Parents
Monumental Moments
I asked my friend, “How was your weekend?” Under usual circumstances, that is a simple question to ask. However, depending on the timing and context, the answer can be quite complex. She is in the middle of major life…
Thursday, August 1, 2019

BLOG Parents
Lord Give Me Patience—Right Now!
As part of their legacy to me, my two grandfathers doled out lessons in patience. My Papaw Arthur had little tolerance for grumpy grandkids. If a pouty attitude crept out onto a protruding lip, he would be quick to…
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Showing 1-20 of 34 results